Sample OKR
Since I started my postdoc, end of 2018, I’ve started writing a summary report each month calling it an OKR or Objectives and Key Results report. It has been difficult to stay on track because, when you start a new position, a lot of initial time goes in training (both institutional / regulatory and hands-on). So, it hasn’t always been easy to write a report each month, despite my best efforts.
As soon as 2020 started, like all new year resolutioners, I’ve started to really focus on OKRs each month (again). What I have done is put things in a table-format (see figure) to help me navigate the project highlights. Organization is so important in graduate school and during post-doc because contrary to what some will have you believe, you have a short window to get things done and a lot of it can be formulaic.
The last thing I want to mention is, having someone read the OKRs is greatly beneficial. So, I put my OKRs in a dropbox folder that I share w/ my mentor. I put the data in a separate folder that is referenced in the table. The goal is for the mentor to read through and provide feedback at the end of each section, which does two things: 1) It confirms the interpretations and future directions, but also 2) starts a more regular conversation about the fate of the project/study, which is extremely useful in keeping on track and saving money. Beyond the OKRs, what has greatly helped me through my postdoc so far is having someone to brainstorm the data with as quickly as possible. This can be during a 1-on-1 meeting or weekly group meetings.. or even just over coffee/after hours socializing w/ colleagues.
more later.